
✉️ annelaurefranchette(a)gmail(dot)com

Studio: Saumstrasse 45, 8003 Zürich, CH

Instagram: @alorsannelaure

Anne-Laure Franchette is an artist and cultural organiser with a DEA in Art History (Paris 10) and an MFA in Fine Arts (Zhdk). Guided by an interest in counter-narratives, hierarchies of dignity and categorisation, her work looks at questions of labor, circulation and materiality. Her double curriculum informs a transmedial practice materialised by field research, archival enquiries, creative writing and installations. In 2013 she initiated and co-founded the Zurich Art Space Guide and VOLUMES, Art Publishing Days. In 2018 she joined the transdisciplinary group TETI and its press.


30 january - 2 February 2025: River Oracle (Paloma Ayala, Melo Chua, Anne-Laure Franchette, Riikka Tauriainen, Kay Zhang) at Art Genève with Espace _L - art contemporain, Palexpo, Genève.

01 - 28 February: Weeds for G, Groaming Bag Gallery, Amsterdam, NLD


Professional Activities:

Doctoral Assistant HEAD Master TRANSforme (from September 2024)

Co-curator, Art Safiental Biennale 2024, Tenna, CH (July-October 2024)

Speaker / Mentor, Seminar « Archive+ » IDCE, FHNW Basel, CH (March-June 2024)

Speaker, Academic trip “Gardens & Art”, Rome, Franklin University, CH (October 2023)

Guest Professor, Upper-level seminar “Art & Ecology”, Franklin University, CH (January-May 2023)

Researcher (Seed Funding) UNILU - Institut Kulturen der Alpen, CH (2021-2022)

Co-Editor of the interdisciplinary study group and press TETI: (2018 - present)

Archivist and Documentalist, Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, CH (2013-2022)

Co-Founder of VOLUMES and its archive project: (since 2013- present)

Co-Founder of the Zurich Art Space Guide: (since 2013- present)

Artist assistant to Damien Hirst, Irene Rukerebuka, Lora Avedian, Bryony Richardson, UK (2005-2012)

Recent prizes: Jan Tschichold award 2022 (as VOLUMES, with Patrizia Mazzei and Gloria Wismer)

Recent exhibitions: Beyond Water (DE), Beyond Water (CH), Documenta 15 (DE), Sedhalle (CH), Windhager von Kaenel (CH), RADIUS CCA (NL), Pallazina (CH), Museo Villa dei Ceidri (CH), The Bass (US), ICA-LASALLE (SG), La Becque (CH) , Mécènes du Sud (FR), unanimous consent (CH), CACN (FR), Istituto Svizzero (IT), Institut Français (GR).

Recent workshops: Museum für Gestaltung (Zurich), SUPSI (Mendrisio), Sitterwerk (St Gallen), ZHdk (Zurich), HFK (Bremen), édhéa (Sierre).

Recent mentoring and juries: Master Transdisciplinar ZHdK (Zurich), Master Maps, édhéa (Sierre), Master Edition, Esam (Caen), Bachelor Art fundaments, EPFL (Lausanne) Master CCC, HEAD (Geneva).

Diplomas :

MFA Fine Arts, ZHdK, Zurich University of the Arts, L’en-vert du décor, 2019, directed by Uriel Orlow

Certificate, Set Design for installations and performance, Central St Martins London, 2011

DEA Art History, Université Paris 10, La récupération des images, 2004, directed by Thierry Dufrêne

Selected Group Shows:

Beyond Water, Reconnecting Earth, Art and Urban Nature Exhibition, Sept-Oct 2024, Kiel, DE

Beyond Water, Reconnecting Earth, Art and Urban Nature Biennale, Sept-Oct 2023, Geneva, CH

The Impossible Measure, Feb 2023, La Casula, Zurich, CH

COMPOST, The Open Bin (Composting Knowledge), June-Sep 2022, Documenta 15, Kassel, DE

Earthbound, June-July 2022, Windhager von Kaenel, Zürich, CH

Zones of Kinship, Love & Playbour, June-August 2022, Shedhalle, Zürich, CH

Emotions are Oceans, May-June 2022, Radius CCA, Delft, NL

PALAZZINA #14, Avril-May 2022, Pallazina, Basel, CH

ICONE VEGETALI, Mars-August 2022, Museo Villa dei Ceidri, Bellinzona, CH

Species of spaces, Nov 21 - April 22, The Walgreens, The Bass, Miami Beach, US

Tropical Lab, August-October 2021, ICA-La Salle Singapore, SG

Neck of the Wood, June 2021, tomorrowsorrow, Zürich, CH

Calvinism, Hrüze Gegi, June 2021, Winterthur, CH

Re-sentir tous les jours, techniques de résistance, Mécènes du Sud, Dec 2020 - Mars 2021, Montpellier, FR

true grid irl, Nov-Dec 2020, unanimous consent, Oerlikon, CH

Oops a Daisy! (Urban Management Remix), October-November 2020, Dietikon Projektraum, CH

Modern Nature 2, September 2029, La Becque, La Tour de Peilz, CH

Habitat, July - October 2020, Public Art Biennale Morcote, CH

Retour à Rome, 2019-2020, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, IT

Digital Ecologies, 2019, Plovdiv Capital of Culture, BUL

Selected Solo Shows:

La tête et les Mains, 2021, TOPIC-Utopiana, Geneva, CH

Travaux Temporaires, 2021, Kunstkasten, Winterthur, CH

Archeologie du chantier, 2018, Kunstverein Wagenhalle, Stuttgart, DE

Le patio de Nicolas, 2018 Institut Français de Grèce Athens, GR

New Philadelphia & Little Manchester, 2018, Yellow Brick, Athens, GR

Parental Leave, 2018 Material, Zurich, CH

Leaves for Tears, 2017, Y Residency, Athens, GR

Pal Take Me Away, 2014, Breezeblock, Sydney, Australia

Selected Interdisciplinary / Curatorial Projects:

Boxed-In, Garden Mechanics, TETI group, Oct-Nov 2023, Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH

744 km, VOLUMES, SPRINT, book exhibition and talk, November-December 2022, Istituto Svizzero, Milan, IT

Mobile Soils dinners, TETI, Manon Briod, Mathieu Pochon, SAE Greenhouse Lab, arvae, foodculture days, performative dinner series, SAE Greenhouse Lab, Zürich, CH

VOLUMES Archive, book exhibition and talk, June 2022, Jan Tschichold Prize, Helmhaus Zürich, CH

Connections, workshop, group exhibition and zine, WLAG, TETI, VOLUMES, October 2021, Smena, Kazan, RU

Neck of the Wood, tomorrowsorrow, outdoor group exhibition, June 2021, Zürich, CH

Hinterland, TETI, workshop, group exhibition and library, May-June 2018, Corner College, Zürich, CH

Dort wo di Stadt aufhört, fängt der Wald an, Alex Schauwecker, August 2017, Tart Gallery, Zürich, CH

La bibliothèque à déplaçer, Vesdge, performative book exhibition, June 2017, VOLUMES, BIG Biennale, Geneva

Selected Workshops:

October 2023: Uncanny Libraries, TETI group, co-writing and zine making workshop, SUPSI, Mendrisio, CH

December 2022: Fermentation Stories, a participatory and edible evening with BadLab, ZHdK.

May 2022: GARTEN / WARTEN, un jardin du port, TETI workshop at HFK Bremen, DE

Mars 2022: Interstices de la Librairie, Master symposium, EDHEA, Valais school of art, Sierre, CH

October 2021: связь workshop, (WLAG, TETI & VOLUMES), Smena art center, Kazan, Tartarstan, RU

December 2020: Le café de la Marine, TETI, Master Maps, édhéa, école d’art du Valais, Sierre, CH

June 2020: Sun and Water Siluetas, Hochrhein Triennale, Kaiserstuhl, CH

May 2017: Semantic for Wild Greens, Victoria Square Project, Documenta 14, Athens, GR

Selected Talks:

October 2023: Guided tour Boxed-In, Garden Mechanics, TETI group, Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH

December 2022: Partager les savoirs, décloisonner les discours en matière de durabilité. L’apport de l’art contemporain, Séminaire de l'École du Louvre à l'université de Neuchâtel.

December 2022: 744km, Stories from the Swiss-Italian Alpine Frontline, with Maria Iorio and Raphaël Cuomo, Salvatore Vitale, SPRINT, Istituto Svizzero, Milan, IT

November 2022: Round Table Libraries and Archives, BookBau Festival, Karlsruhe, DE

August 2022: Library Portraits, TETI Group, Premises, La Dépendance, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel, CH

August 2022: Learning from the Earth, ILEA Talks, Safiental, CH

May 2022: Traversing Topologies, TETI at the Sarn conference, Hospental, CH

June 2021: Portal conversation: Hellscrape and Freedom-Hi, with Zheng Mahler, Zine Coop and VOLUMES, Shedhalle, Zurich, CH

December 2020: VOLUMES conference, Impressions Multiples #9, ENSBA, Caen, FR

November 2020: VOLUMES conference, Master Maps, édhéa, école d’art du Valais, Sierre, CH

September 2019: VOLUMES conference at Garage, Moscow, RUS

September 2018: Artist talk, French Institute of Athens, GR

October 2017: VOLUMES conference, Impresionante, Santiago, Chile

Selected Publications:

“VOLUMES and Decolonize Zurich” Unearthing Traces. Dismantling the imperialist dimensions of archives, landscapes and the built environment, edited by Denise Bertschi, Julien Lafontaine Carboni, Nitin Bathla

“River Story. Forging between human and non-human forms of agency”, by River Oracle: Anne-Laure Franchette, Paloma Ayala, Riikka Tauriainen, Ausgabe #22022senseABILITIES – Artistic Practices as Cultural Inquiries, June 2022, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Interview by Susanne Bieri of Anne-Laure Franchette, Patrizia Mazzei, Gloria Wismer for the publication Schweizer Künstlerbücher - Livres d’Artistes Suisses - Libri d’Artista Svizzeri, Swiss Artists’ Books, published in June 2022 by Walther und Franz König Verlag

“Plants are not Bricks”, Mobile Soils, TETI Press, A-L Franchette, J. Càceres, G. Gee (eds.)

“The cleaned the beach before we arrived”, Maritime Poetics, Transcript Verlag, G. Gee & C. Wiedmer (eds.)

"Book as Art or Reading as Seeing: Anne-Laure Franchette, Art Director at VOLUMES", OnCurating issue 48, 2020

“Derek Jarman’s Garden - Anne-Laure Franchette and Elise Lammer on the queering of Nature” Nero editions, 08/09/20

"Books as spaces for encounters", a review of quotation mark quotation #3, NERO editions, SARN newslibrary, November 2020

"What We Have Learnt About Publishing", a conversation with VOLUMES, YET Magazine, issue 12, Autum, 2020

“Laboratory Eden”, Desired Landscape n.3, 2020

Recent Jurys:

December 2022: Bachelor Art Fundamentals open critique, EPFL-ENAC, Lausanne, CH

June 2022: Master thesis critique, CCC, HEAD, Geneva, CH

June 2022: Master diploma juries, MAPS, EDHEA, Valais school of art, Sierre, CH

Mars 2022: DNSEP Design-Edition juries , ESAM, école supérieure d’art et média Caen/Cherbourg, FR

Mars 2022: Master thesis open critique, MAPS, EDHEA, Valais school of art, Sierre, CH

January 2021: Master thesis open critique, MAPS, EDHEA, école d’art du Valais, Sierre, CH

Collections, Prizes, Residencies and Scholarships:

2023: Reserach trip in South Korea and China, TETI, Complex-X, UN-Curating, Pro Helvetia

2021 - 2022 : Member of Arvae’s Art and Science collective, Zurich & Arosa, CH (Schpensa)

2022: VOLUMES (A-L Franchette, P. Mazzei, G. Wismer) is awarded the Jan Tschichold Award

2021-2022: Production residency, ICONE VEGETALI, Museo Villa dei Ceidri, Bellinzona, CH

2021: Residency, Sweetgrass thrives along disturbed edges, Utopiana-TOPIC, Geneva, CH

2021 : Residency, Health Fiction, BadLab, Cima citta, Torre, CH

2021: Arbeitsstipendium Covid-19, Stadt Zürich Kultur, CH

2020: Production residency, Les Mauvaises Herbes Résisteront, Villary, CACN, Nîmes, FR

2020: Production residency, Modern Nature II, La becque, La Tour de Peilz, CH

2020: Art Laboratory, Naked Transition, with Bad Lab, Gessnerallee, Zurich, CH

2020: Nominated for the Shizuko Yoshikawa Award, CH

2020: Artwork purchased by the collection of the city of Zurich, CH

2019: Pro Helvetia Research and Travel grant in Russia

2019: Coincidencia Research and Travel grant in Chile

2018: Artist Residency at the French Institute of Athens, GR

2018: Artist Residency, Tropical Lab at LA SALLE-ICA, Singapore

2018: Artist Residency, Alps Art Academy at Art Safiental Biennial, Tenna, CH

2018: Artist Residency, Qwas at Almaty art Biennial, Kazakhstan

2018: Artist Residency at Yellow Brick, Athens, GR

2018 Zhdk-Avina Fonds Research and Production Grant

2017 Pro Helvetia Research and Travel grant for LAABF, USA (production of a publication)

2017 Artist Residency at Y Residency, Athens, GR (workshops for Documenta 14)

2016 Artist Residency at Re/fugium, Cima-Norma, Dangio, CH

2015 Artist Residency at Ten Chances, Bargain Spot Art Space, Edinburgh, UK

All content © Anne-Laure Franchette 2024